Collin spent another week (9-3 Monday through Friday) at the Audubon Society for Nature Detectives Camp. It was similar to the last camp - a lot of hiking, learning about nature and animals, and a few crafts.
Collin made a leaf print tee shirt during his last camp, so he asked the director if he could make one for Katelyn this time - the director was nice enough to let Collin make two shirts. Collin was so happy! |
Collin made another melted crayon wax candle. I love this one. |
He attached felt handles to the other side of this butterfly. |
I made Daphne Oz's coconut milk fudgsicles earlier this week, and I am the only one who likes them! I have been happily enjoying one each afternoon - they are ALL MINE - ha ha haha ha!
Collin's face says it all - this is gross, Mom! Reagan said she liked it, but she only had a few licks before she covered it and left it in the freezer where it still sits days later. |
Miranda came over to play with Reagan on Tuesday, and they made melted bead sun catchers.
Reagan gave one of hers to Ellie next door, so she has completed her goal of doing something nice for a neighbor.
Collin and Reagan had a tennis lesson this morning, and Tyler came with us. I wish we had Tyler there every week - he was a huge help teaching the lesson and a REALLY HUGE help picking up all of the tennis balls at the end of the lesson.
We weren't even going to go to tennis this morning because Collin had camp at 9 (tennis is at 8), but we started and finished tennis a little early to make it to camp on time. I am so happy we went.
Tyler has a tennis tournament tomorrow morning and we all plan on going. I will try to post pictures tomorrow.
This was one of those weeks that I seemed to be driving someone somewhere constantly. On paper, it doesn't look like I overscheduled any one of the kids this summer, but collectively they have been SO busy that I feel like all I have done is drive all summer. I am happy that the next few weeks are not as hectic so that we can spend some time relaxing (ha, like I do that) at the pool and enjoying the end of summer.