We went to Grandma Susan's house in the afternoon on Christmas day. Unfortunately, Tyler wasn't feeling well enough to come. He missed a great party and everyone asked for him and missed him.
Like I said in my Christmas morning post, Kate LOVES clothes. She is always happy to open them and usually wants to hold them for a while!
Collin is building, of course, while hanging out with Uncle Mark. |
I have to make a copy of this picture for Reagan. She LOVES Brittany. She loves Uncle Mark too, but she just LOVES Brittany. They gave her that cute unicorn.
Kate enjoyed playing on the floor with Auntie Cyn and Great Grandpa.
Grandma threw a great party - great food, great people, great atmosphere, and she still had time to give extra attention to the kids anytime they wanted to be with her.
Papa and Grandma M came for a while too. I didn't even realize how festive they looked until I looked through my pictures. LOVE it!
More clothes for Kate. These outfits were gifts from Uncle Jimmy and Melissa. Kate obviously loves them.
Don't ask what is in the pink box; I'm not telling.
Yes, I was there! Reagan took the picture of me with Collin and then Collin took the picture of me with Reagan.
Kate loves Auntie Di. This is the only picture I got of them together.
I think this picture came out so nice. It may be the only picture we have of just Grandma and Tom.
I have a few nice pictures of Grandpa Jim, but he requested that I not post pictures of him here - BOOOOOO!
No one else made that request, so I'm posting pictures! This is my scrapbook; I need everyone in it!
Jimmy and Melissa are so photogenic!
Brent, Ryan, Uncle Tim, Narcy, Auntie Jo, and Logan (three days older than Kate - separate post coming about them and the fun they had on Christmas)
Reagan was supposed to wear a red dress, but she wanted to wear this outfit and the tights she had to go with the red dress SOMEHOW got a hole in them on Christmas morning. HMMPH!
Kate was trying to jump out of my arms and I didn't get a good picture of us together. This will have to do!
We are all happy that Matt is living in MA right now. He is so great with the kids. Kate even let him hold her for a while, and that is not to be taken lightly!
Collin with Uncle John
Reagan being a goof - how surprising. I do want to mention the locket she is wearing. It was a gift from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and Reagan has not taken it off since she put it on. Well, she took it off to sleep tonight, but she is treasuring it.
Collin and Reagan don't get to see their cousins, John and Audrey, very often. Once they warmed up, all of the kids had a lot of fun together.
We left Grandma's house sometime after eight, I think - I already forgot, and everyone was pretty tired.
A truly fantastic day with family and friends!