We had gorgeous weather on Mother's Day, and so we decided to head to the Blue Hills for a family hike. It was so nice; I really enjoy hiking, especially when the mosquitoes haven't really come out yet. I could never hike alone though because I have the absolute worst sense of direction EVER, and I often miss the obvious markers on the trails!
Driving to the Blue Hills was interesting. It is rare for us to all pile into the car with the two dogs; it was a very full minivan! Kate added to the experience by asking over and over and over and over again, "Where are we going?", "What are we going to do there?", etc.
You can see that Reagan finally has two front teeth! She lost a front primary tooth when she was only three years old due to injury, and the new tooth is finally growing in; it's weird (but very NICE) to see her with two front teeth after all these years! Also, doesn't Reagan look so happy in that picture? It almost looks like she had a great time!!! Ha ha ha. Reagan is strong and athletic, but she doesn't like hiking. She lets everyone know that she is not enjoying it.
This was Kate's very first "hike". She was carried most of the time, but she did walk a little and I was happy to have her there with us.
The view from the top; that's Boston in the distance.

I saved this picture for the end so that I could write a little about Kelly. We weren't going to bring her, even though she LOVES hiking. Kelly has been limping lately and the vet actually thought she might have had a torn ACL and need surgery. She was on an anti-inflammatory and the limping went away, but she still appears to have some stiffness in her leg. As we were packing up to go, Kelly was very excited; she knows what the packs and other hiking items mean, and she was ready to go. The rest of us piled into the car, ready to leave, but we could hear her crying in the house and we just could not leave without her. So she came, and she was fine out there, and fortunately, she didn't seem to overdo it because she still seems fine. She's so funny; I wish I had thought to take a video of her as we approached the exit for the Blue Hills. She knew exactly where we were and started "screaming" with excitement. I'm so happy we brought her; it wouldn't be the same without Kelly.
*I was there, really, just the one taking the pictures. I should have thought to get a picture of myself with the kids since it was Mother's Day. I never think to make sure I get in pictures.
Here are a few short videos I took during our hike:
This was a great way for us to all spend time together. I loved it.