Monday, May 21, 2012

Thirty-Six Weeks

K's favorite thing this past week has been playing ball.  She cracks up when the ball comes to her and after a minute or two, she even rolls it back.

R loves it when she and K wear matching clothes!

K really likes feeding herself finger foods now; she had a few squished black beans with her lunch over the weekend.  She seems to like yogurt now too, but still not as much as her siblings did.


Ticia said...

Ball was my boys first word, they loved it so much. I still tease them about that :)

Love their matching outfits in that picture, I can understand why she likes that :)

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big!! Love the picture of R and her with the ball :-)

MaryAnne said...

That's so cool that she rolls the ball back! Looks like K and R are good friends :)

Sherri said...

You have such a fantastic family...I love to see how much they love and adore their little sister!

Jenny said...

So sweet! I always loved wearing matching clothes with my cousin that was a year older than me.