This week, Kate and I have focused on the letters in her name.
I wrote her name on a large piece of paper, and she used watercolor paints over the letters.
She liked the Scrabble Cheez It crackers.
I put this tray out for her, and she really enjoyed placing the little glass vase filler marbles over the letters of her name. They are flat bottomed, so they stay put, and she likes that she can see the letters through the pieces.
She didn't have the manual dexterity to squeeze the clips on to the card stock. We'll save those for another time.
I saw these little alphabet cookies on a friend's Instagram post (thank you, Susana), and got some for Kate. She thinks they are super tasty and every opportunity to point out letters is great!
Kate had to show me the letter and name it before she could eat it. Sometimes she confuses A and E, but she does well with the other letters in her name. She also likes to be silly sometimes and purposely tell me the wrong letter with a sly grin on her face!!!
We had some play-doh lids in the cabinet, so I wrote the letters of Kate's name on them. She played with these for a while and really enjoyed spinning them.
Here are two videos of her spinning and calling out the letters; I love when she points out that the T is upside down:
She is getting so big!! Those cookie letters look tasty! Great hands on learning!
I absolutely adore all your name activities! I may just copy each and every one of them! :)
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