Friday, December 9, 2011

Piano Update

In the spring, I wrote a post about C learning to play the piano.  He enjoyed the lessons from the very first day.  Unfortunately, his first teacher canceled often and wasn't very reliable.  It worked out for the best though because we are very happy with his new teacher.

Just this morning, I mentioned that C has a level of confidence with piano that I have never seen him exude elsewhere.  He is typically shy, reserved, and timid, but when it comes time for him to play the piano, I see a different side of him.  He walks right in to his lesson, speaks up with confidence, and has no fear.  His piano teacher even commented on the fact that C tends to challenge himself and move ahead in his book on his own.

One funny thing is that C grades himself.  When he plays a song, he will mark a check, check plus, or check minus at the top of the page so that he can chart his own progress.  I heard him tell his piano teacher about this, and I noticed a tiny smile on the teacher's face.

C is looking forward to playing for everyone on Christmas day;  I am looking forward to that too.  I'm so proud of him, and so happy that he has found something that he really enjoys.


Sherri said...

We have to get back into piano...I sold my piano when I moved and I need to buy another!

Anonymous said...

What fun! So glad the piano brings him out of his shell! Would love to hear him play.. ? video maybe? My husband's family is all very musical.. me.. not so much :-P

Debbie said...

That is cool that he likes the piano so well. I just found out that one of the homeschool mom teaches piano, I will be talking to her soon.

Ticia said...

How cool! That's something we've talked about getting for the kids. Of course first I need to get a piano or a keyboard......

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

That's so cute that he grades himself. Piano music is so nice to hear around the house.

MaryAnne said...

This is fantastic! And I love that he grades himself to track his progress!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This is terrific. It's great when children naturally gravitate to something we are trying to teach them.

Jenny said...

Oh my goodness, that is the sweetest thing. I hope you get a video of him playing. I've got to see that.

What a sweet boy you have!

Susana said...

This is wonderful, Christy. I know you are so proud of him. If you ever video him playing I would love to see it. The piano is my favorite instrument. I never could convince Hanna to play, but Joe wants to. There is a wonderful teacher next door to my mom and I hope to have him take lessons next school year.

C sounds like his is very self disciplined--what a blessing!