K learned how to drink from a straw last week.
She does not like to be strapped in the car seat; she screams and arches her back. Actually, as soon as I open the car door, she starts screaming.
K is not crawling, but she moves around quite a bit and appears to be close to crawling, pushing up on her hands.
She wants little bites of whatever I am eating and has zero interest in pureed food. She seals her lips shut and refuses to open them for baby food. All of my babies have done this, but not quite this early.
I took these pictures today; it is the first time she has fallen asleep in the high chair.
LOL at her sleeping in the highchair, too cute!
I so remember those days of Abby pitching a car seat fit! That's awesome that she can drink from a straw.
Princess was the same way about getting in her car seat. She got much better once it was turned around and didn't throw as big of a fit.
OOOOOO! High chair sleeping...that's a favorite of mine! Those little ones just get tuckered out trying to keep up! :)
LOL so love the sleeping highchair picture! Yay for drinking from a cup!
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