Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Weekend Recap

On Friday night, Tom took the boys to see The Avengers - they LOVED the movie.  R and I had a movie night at home; we watched Never Say Never.  

She enjoyed the movie, but I liked it more than she did!  I have to laugh at myself, but I have a slight case of Bieber fever.  I am just impressed with how hard he worked to become a star and how talented he is - his story is very different from that of most teen pop stars.  Plus, I think his music is kind of catchy.

On Saturday, we all celebrated Cinco de Mayo with tortilla soup, quesadillas, nachos, and Mexican limeade.

I printed up some Cinco de Mayo coloring pages at the request of C and R, but they didn't color any of them.  Coloring sheets aren't very exciting for them anymore.  

Saturday was also Kentucky Derby day.  I made Kentucky Derby pie (pretty much just pecan pie with chocolate chips in it):

We each chose a horse to cheer for; T's horse came in second.

The most exciting part of the weekend was C's piano recital on Sunday.  He played Kites in the Sky and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.  This was his first recital and he did so well.  We are very proud of him.  For some reason, Blogger will not accept my video, but if you haven't seen it yet, I can email it to you.

K is almost eight months old and this is our first family photo since she was born.

Why don't we have more photos of all of us together?  

Dad's arm looks a little weird sticking out over there; that is because we also had C's friend O with us.  C invited her to watch the recital.

My father took pictures of C playing during the recital.  When I get those, I will update this post with pictures.  


Jenny said...

The family photo is so cute! LOL about Bieber fever. Abby has no idea who he is.

We had a fun Cinco de Mayo get together too. Your tortilla soup looks really good!

MaryAnne said...

I love the family photo!

I'm so out of the pop music loop that I don't know ANY Bieber songs. Proof that I never go to the mall, I guess... That's cool that he's a neat guy, though!

Sherri said...

HaaaHaa! I laughed at the friend in the picture ...cut out! Brilliant way to get a family picture! Your family is absolutely gorgeous! Your gorgeous!
I have not seen that movie...I will have to check it out...I have never heard his songs either....because I never hear any songs...just songs of children all day long! :)

Ticia said...

It's SO hard to get family photos. I had a friend in college who told me they didn't have any pictures of her little sister (5th baby) until 9 months because the parents were so busy with everything they suddenly realized it. So, you're ahead of the game!

How did C do with Avengers? We're trying to decide for our boys, but thought it might be too scary.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Great family shot! It is sooooo hard to get those.

Anonymous said...

What a great family shot! I love that picture of C w/ his piano book! Sounds like he is having fun learning it!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I love your family photo! How exciting that C is doing so well with his music lessons. I have only very vague idea who Bieber is :)