Thursday, June 5, 2014

Reading Roundup

The second grade Reading Roundup performance was a great success today.  Reagan was so excited that she had trouble falling asleep last night, and she was up and full of excitement very early this morning.  It was fun to watch her perform with her friends, and it is always exciting to see some of the class work both by Reagan and the other children in her class.

 Each second grader chose an animal to learn and write about; Reagan chose the elephant.

 She is such a goofball!

Collin saw Reagan's performance, but he had to go back to his class, so I didn't get any pictures of him with Reagan.

 Above is Reagan with Mrs. Bacon; she is a long term sub that took over the class in February when Mrs. DiMarzio went out on maternity leave.  I was a little nervous about having a long term sub, but she has been GREAT!!!

Mrs. DiMarzio came in for the performance today, and she brought both of her girls with her.  She is pictured below with her baby, surrounded by a bunch of second graders (Reagan is there with the purple bandanna); the baby was very overwhelmed by all of the attention!

Here are a few of Reagan's classmates:

A few video clips:
Nice job at the Reading Roundup, Reagan!  We are so very proud of all of your hard work this year!


An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

No wonder she had trouble sleeping - what an exciting day!

Sherri said...

She makes a cute cowgirl! I love this whole thing! Looks like she has a great class with great teachers!

Anonymous said...

What fun!! They did a great job with their songs! I loved seeing her hard work on her animal project!

Jenny said...

Cute! What a fun day. When do your kids get out of school?