R told me that she needed a band-aid. I hear this all the time from both R and C. We go through a ridiculous number of band-aids and other such bandages to cover up invisible, blood-free injuries. This time, however, she did not place the bandage on herself. She created this masterpiece:

Once C saw what R had done, he had to create his own masterpiece:

I think they are on to something. I can't say that I have ever seen bandage art on exhibit.
MoMA here we come!
This is so cute! How unique and creative she is:-) to do this.
There pictures are adorable!
Going to check out MoMa now, have no idea what it is.
OK, hope I'm not the only one who didn't know what it was:-).
fun stuff and what pretty colors for your bandaids
Very cute...and I'm keeping my kids away from this blog because we have a hard enough time keeping bandaids in the house as it is.
Love it, especially C's "bandaid man" :)
thats cute! We use to go through a ridiculou amount of bandaids too!
So funny! I love your band aid art! We go through an insane amount of band aids too.
So fun. I wish I was that creative. Aren't kids amazing?
lol so cute!
I think its great that you let them do that.
I love C's! it reminds me of a Dali ha ha
That is hilarious and so cute!
I've never heard of MoMa either. LOL!
Ooooh, I really like those. And Susana, I don't know what MoMa is!
MoMA is the Museum of Modern Art. I should have written that in the post!
What a great idea! Yes, they are destined for MoMa for sure!! I love it.. the symbolism of the band aid as a quick fix for society's problems. They are brilliant!
Also, it would make for great wall art in a pediatrician's waiting room.
So cute and creative!
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