- Imaginext toys -
C has the Imaginext castle, jungle, pirate ship, and Bat Cave as well as some of the accessories. They come mostly (if not completely) assembled and they are extremely durable. He plays with these all the time and I highly recommend them.
- Building toys - We love legos, wooden blocks (especially Haba), Magneatos, and straws and connectors. Building toys are open ended and encourage creativity. They can become anything you want. C and R both love building cities and castles and including other toys in their play.
- Melissa and Doug puzzles - the quality of the M & D puzzles is fantastic and they have great puzzles for every age group. We started with the chunky puzzles and have progressed to the 48 piece puzzles in a tray (C loves this pirate puzzle) and 100 piece floor puzzles.
- Play food - We have a variety of play food but I have noticed that the cheap plastic food is played with a lot less than the felt or wooden food. The Melissa and Doug wooden food sets are played with often, and the food that can be "cut" is a lot of fun.
- Dress up clothes - C and R both love playing dress up. We have a lot of princess clothes, as well as police officer, Native American, cowboy, superheroes, and pirate costumes. They are used almost every day.
Here is our top five wish list for this Christmas:
- art supplies - we use a ridiculous amount of construction paper, paint, glue, and markers
- R is in love with the American Girl catalog, specifically the Bitty Twins; she wants the girl/boy twins so that one can be her and one can be C. Isn't that cute?
- C saw the Playmobil pyramid
in the store and he has his heart set on this toy. It was ranked #2 in the Family Fun magazine list of top ten toys. The set has hidden passages, trick staircases, scorpions, and a skeleton that fits in a sarcophagus. C has always loved playsets and plays with them often so I am not troubled by the hefty price tag ($105) on this item.
- Board games - We love to play games. Our favorites are Hi Ho Cherry O, Candy Land, Don't Wake the Hulk, Hullabaloo, and Zimbbos. If you have a game recommendation, please let me know!
- Books - Yes, I know that books are not toys (actually, art supplies aren't toys either so this list is lean on toys, sorry), but if you read my blog then you know that books rank high among our favorite things. All three of my children love to read and I think a book is one of the best presents you can give or receive.
Adriana at My Bilingual Boys is hosting a MckLinky titled Toys My Children Actually Play With every Thursday through Christmas. Check it out for more ideas!
So, if you are interested in sharing your top five of the week or your top five toys, please link up here! I would love to know what you love!

Wow! I think all of ours are the same except for AG Itty Bitty twins:-)!!
This is a great post!
What a great resource you have here! I've never seen the pyramid, but that looks awesome!!! I'll have to post our list soon. I agree with you about the hot new toys. They tend to lose their appeal very quickly. Classic is the way to go, and we love building toys, dress up clothes, and play food. I'm definitely checking out the software -- that sounds like something Emily would LOVE! What a neat blog carnival... I'm off to check out the other links. Thanks!!
Great list! We may end up with that pyramid too. C just saw it in a magazine and wants to get it. I put up my list of the kids' favorite toys but didn't have time to do our wish list yet. I'll do it next week. I'm heading out of town right now!
Great list! My daughter would also love the Itty Bitty twins if she saw them.
My nephew would love that pyramid! It's a little much for my budget for him, maybe I can go in on it with someone else.
Thanks again!!
love your list! my girls have just the dinosaurs not the playset but they get played with tons!
love her sweet comment about why she wants the twin dolls so sweet!
i need to post my homemade gifts list i want to make so then i will make myself make them! :)
I meant to say, we have the most of the same toys at home, and our wish lists are similar except for Itty Bitty from AG:-). Joe wants the castle from Playmobil.
I love your list, and I put Magneatos on my wish list for Christmas :) Anna is probably the only girl on Earth who seems to be not interested in dolls - she prefers her stuffed animals instead. Same applies to dress-up clothes - simply doesn't care for dress up... yet. I have to check that arts & crafts studio too. Oh, I love toys more than Anna does. LOL.
I agree with what you said about the hot new toys. I linked up the post I had for Adriana's Mcklinky because it really illustrates how much children will also play with non-toy items. I loved PLaymobil toys as a child and hope Bear will love them just as much.
I hear ya on the art supplies!!
I love building toys, just wish Selena were more into them. Thank you for your wonderful reviews!
At our hose we LOVE the Eric Carle games. The most popular is the Very Hungry Caterpillar game. Last year Target had one of their great Christmas sales for it, and I think we got ours for $5. Also, whatever the Cranium treasure game is and Jam Pack.
Those are favorite board games here.
Great list! Dress up is a big hit our here too. I am sure that we will be adding to our pirate, superhero, cowboy, and dinosaur costumes this year. I have never heard of that pyramid but it looks like something D would love. I'll will be sure to check it out. We will be doing another toy review next Thursday at My Bilinugal Boys, check it out. :) Have a great weekend!
those are also our favorite toys!
Dress up and puzzles and games are the biggest hit with my 3 and 4 year old. The games you listed are also our favorites, but we have recently discovered Dr. Suess games. Horton Hears a Who, I can Do That, and the new ABC one are the most played games we have and I love that they are all active!
Great list! Speaking of Games, did you see the smokin' hot Toys R Us deal? http://all-about-the-journey.blogspot.com/2009/11/walk-run-or-take-bus-get-over-to-toys-r.html
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