Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Recycled puppet craft

This is an easy way to use some of your recyclables on Earth Day.

1. Cut out eyes, a nose, and a mouth from old magazines. Just find any page that has colors that appeal to you and cut them in the shapes of eyes, a nose, a mouth, and you can even do eyebrows.

2. Glue them on to the front of a paper lunch bag. C insisted on gluing his on the top (flap) of his paper bag; that was fine. As long as they are having fun, right?

3. Stuff the paper bag with shredded newspaper. Stuff a lot in there to hold the shape.

4. Put a paper towel roll in the bag.

5. Wrap a rubber band around the bag and paper towel roll to make a handle for your puppet.

6. Glue some yarn or ribbon scraps on the top for hair.

7. Make a few and have a puppet show!

There are so many ways you can decorate these and it is a good way to reuse some of the scraps and recyclables in your home.


Jen said...

We love making puppets in our house, too! I want to do paper mache puppets with my girls. (something that I used to do with my students when I was teaching.)

Great idea for Earth Day!

Creative and Curious Kids!

Annette W. said...

I like the idea of using magazines!! So many crafts use supplies...then just get thrown out anyway.

Teaching Heart Mom said...

Great idea... Love the name of your blog too!

jennwa said...

That is cute, my kids still love paper bag puppets.

I agree the magazine idea is great.

Thanks for linking.

Nicki said...

We've tried making regular paper bag puppets before, but your way seems so much sturdier! We'll have to try that!

kw said...

Those are the cutest puppets ever!