I filled the muffin tin with pretzel peanut butter sandwiches, licorice bites, M&Ms, animal crackers, and cone hats. All of these items were specifically requested by C and R.
This is R's clown sundae. She did a great job. You can see the M&M eyes, the licorice mouth, and the pretzels for hair.

Circus Adventures was written and illustrated by a nine year old girl, Lindsey Wolter. The book is very well written and the illustrations are fantastic. The main character, Molly, goes to the circus and becomes one of the performers. Molly finds herself performing with the clowns, toppling the acrobats, and being shot out of a cannon. This is a fun, action packed read and it is perfect for young children because the illustrations tell the whole story.

Olivia Saves the Circus by Ian Falconer features our favorite little pig describing her summer adventures to her class. Olivia tells her classmates about a visit to the circus where all of the performers were suffering from ear infections, but luckily Olivia was willing and able to juggle, walk the tightrope, clown around, tame lions and more to save the circus. We think Olivia is adorable!
Visit Michelle at Her Cup Overfloweth to see more muffin tins!