The theme for Muffin Tin Monday this week is apples. I was not very creative this week, but I was very pleased with the results. C told me he was not eating any apples, but once he saw the muffin pan, he happily ate every bite and asked for more!

Our muffin pans had three varieties of apples (Macoun, Golden Delicious, and Gala) and three sauces for dipping (peanut butter, caramel, and chocolate).

Flat Stanley siblings were happy to be invited to Muffin Tin Monday.

I thought it would be fun to incorporate an art project into MTM this week. Apple prints sounded fun and simple. Well......

Look at his face. C pressed the apple into paint and got a little on his hand. Well, that was the end of that. He was not going to do this and there was nothing I could say to change his mind.
While I was busy with C, R started eating her apple half. Then she pressed it into the paint and we got this:

I felt the need to actually have some apple prints, so I made these:

After everyone cleaned up, we read
I Am an Apple by Jean Marzollo.

Finally, C and R helped me make Apple Pecan muffins using
this Ellie Krieger recipe. This is one of my favorite muffin recipes and it is relatively healthy, as far as muffins go anyway.

To see more muffin tins, visit
Her Cup Overfloweth.