Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bouncy Ball

We made our own bouncy balls last week.  The bouncing ball in this activity is made from a polymer. Polymers are molecules made up of repeating chemical units. Glue contains the polymer polyvinyl acetate (PVA), which cross-links to itself when reacted with borax.  To make a bouncy ball, you need:
  • 1/2 tsp Borax powder
  • food coloring
  • 1 TBSP glue
  • 1 TBSP cornstarch
  • 2 disposable cups

  1. Pour 2 TBSP warm water and 1/2 tsp Borax powder into a disposable cup
  2. Stir until the powder is dissolved
  3. Add food coloring as desired
  4. Pour 1 TBSP glue (we used regular Elmer's glue) into a separate disposable cup
  5. Add 1/2 tsp of the borax solution you made to the cup with the glue - do not stir
  6. Add 1 TBSP cornstarch to the glue/borax solution - do not stir
  7. Allow the ingredients to interact on their own for 15 seconds, and then stir to fully mix the ingredients
  8. Once it is impossible to stir, take it out of the cup and mold it with your hands
  9. It starts out sticky and messy, but solidifies as you knead it
  10. Once the ball is less sticky, you can bounce it.
  11. Store it in a sealed plastic bag

We found these exact same directions on many different websites, but Science Bob is where I first saw the idea.  The balls don't bounce very high on the hard floor.  I expected them to bounce well, and so did C and R, so this was a bit of a disappointment.  C and R had the most fun just throwing the balls.

To make this into more of a science experiment, you can alter the amount of borax, glue, or cornstarch and record your results.  From what I read, you should keep the amount of water consistent.

I tried to get pictures of them bouncing/throwing their balls, but I had no luck.  I ended up with a bunch of pictures of the kids making weird hand motions.  

I am linking this to Science Sunday at Adventures in Mommydom.


MaryAnne said...

I've had this experiment on my "to-try" list for a while, but it always gets pushed back because it needs to happen during Lily's nap (I don't trust her to keep her borax-covered hands out of her mouth). I think adding extra borax is supposed to make it bounce more?

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I read about it before and thought that this is one of those experiments that I will wait with until daughter is a bit older. C has the funniest expression in this picture.

Susan said...

We'll have to try this!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

It's been about two years since we tried this one - I seem to remember wishing the ball would bounce better, too. But, I love the Borax experiments. In fact, I picked up a fresh box on our last grocery shopping trip, just in case we get stuck inside with poor weather through the spring.

Kelly said...

This looks like it would be a fun experiment. Too bad they didn't bounce like you wanted them, but it looks like your kids still enjoyed it. We tried this last year with a craft store kit and it didn't really work any better.

Unknown said...

That looks really cool. I'll have to try it with the kiddos!

Ticia said...

That reminds me I have a GIANT box of borax to try stuff like this......

Susana said...

OK, you've given me enough ideas tonight for like weeks of activities, projects and books! We have everything for this one too. I know Joe would love this! Thank you!!

Elle Belles Bows said...

Very cool! Not too bouncy may be a good thing in my home right now:-)
