Friday, August 16, 2013

Bubbles - Part One

We haven't had any theme fun in a while, so I thought we should try at least one theme before the summer ends.  I looked around at what I had on hand, and decided our theme could be BUBBLES!

 I saw these bubbles and just had to try them.  Bubbles that last and last and can be held in your hand?  Sounds cool!  They did not disappoint.  The girls and I had fun playing with them.

In the above photo, you can see how the bubbles just sat on the deck.  They were very neat.  It was fun to have bubbles that didn't pop immediately.

You can see there is a bubble in Reagan's hand, and several tiny bubbles in her hair.  They just kind of sat in her hair or on her hand like that for the longest time.

Of course this type of bubble was no more exciting to Kate than a regular bubble, but she was happy trying to catch them.  A few landed on her, but she could not grab them and keep them in bubble form.

If you are not careful, these bubbles squish.  That's right, they don't pop like normal bubbles, they squish.  They feel kind of like dried up glue.  The bubble residue remained in our hair , on our clothes, and on the deck, but it washed away just fine.


Karen Wilson said...

Those look cool!

Sherri said...

Super fun! I love bubbles...that's a great theme!!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I remember Almost Unschoolers mentioning that unpleasant side effect too. I wonder what they put in those bubbles, but I am also pretty sure that it's not something that is too toxic, otherwise the company would be in the world of trouble.

Anonymous said...

What fun!!! Sammy would love these!! He is always trying to catch them!

Ticia said...

I love the picture of Reagan with the bubbles in her hair.