R is 37 months old
I was thrilled when R asked to do puzzles this week because she never wants to do puzzles unless they have the pictures in the background to match the pieces. She completed this on her own.

I taped together two pieces of posterboard that I bought at the dollar store (2 for $1) and traced R's outline. She loved filling in the details and it was a great opportunity to talk about parts of the body.

R worked on spelling her name.

She loves her Melissa and Doug lacing beads.

R is a fan of Dora and enjoyed these Slide & Learn interactive flash cards.

She also worked on numbers with this magnetic counting play and learn book.

I gave R a pile of toothpicks and a pile of miniature marshmallows on a tray and she worked for a long time counting and building. We will definitely do this again.

Happy Mother's Day!
we are doing the body outline this week! :)
hope you are feeling better and had a great mothers day
I love the tracing outline idea. I'll have to try that out soon.
GREAT IDEA to trace her body and use that to talk about and identify body parts etc!
Great ideas. I keep meaning to get mini marshmallows for RockerTot to use with his toothpicks. Thanks for the reminder and for sharing!!
OH! We should do body outlines, too! And love the marshmallow/toothpick idea! I have used that with older children who use them to build structures but it has some great possibilities for the younger kids, too!
Love the pink dress! DD has a matching dress in teal. So fun for twirling! Almost warm enough to wear it here now.
looks like a great time! I am hoping to jump on the tot school train this fall with my 3 year old! I'll have to look at your ideas :)
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