Monday, December 20, 2010


Before going to see The Nutcracker yesterday, we stopped at the mall to visit Santa.  C told him that he is hoping for a marble run and R asked for an American Girl doll.  

What are your children asking for this year?


An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

T has taken a huge interest in all things Nerf. I think we'll all be waking up with Nerf darts on our foreheads the day after Christmas :)

Ticia said...

Everything they can see. They've got very big eyes. So, it changes all the time. said...

my son asked for a spider man toy and my daughter for hello kitty. we went to santaland at macys and one thing i really liked was that santa said "i'll do my best". he didn't make any promises and that relieves some pressure

Debbie said...

Selena wants a real working camera, as she puts it one that actually takes pictures.

Miller Moments said...

very cute picture! My oldest wants a pogo stick, which cracks me up. I have no idea where he would ever have seen a pogo stick.

Chelsea said...

I've got a marble run all ready to go too. It looks so cool I'm excited to try it myself! R's dress is beautiful by the way. What a gorgeous photo.

Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture!! Sammy doesn't really understand what he can ask for.. so he always asks for candy.. which he will get in his stocking.. so everything else will be super exciting!

Sherri said...

The kids look absolutely amazing! Did you have a great time???

Christy Killoran said...

@Chelsea - thank you for the compliment on R's dress. It is from Gymboree. I don't normally get her so dressed up for Santa photos but we were going to see The Nutcracker after the Santa visit and she really wanted to dress up for the ballet.

Mandy said...

my little bit is so excited about christmas this far she has told santa she wants a barbie and playdoh. but everytime we go to the store she seems something else, she has to have.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Such a cute picture! I can't wait until I can get all 3 of mine to cooperate for a picture like this. Love R's dress, she looks beautiful in it. Little J has asked for a Megalodon shark tooth. He even took a bag of his sharks teeth to explain to Santa what he was looking for! Fortunately, Santa knows about eBay. The other 2 don't know to ask for anything yet, but will be very happy Christmas morning.

Willow said...

What a cute picture! My girls are both asking for beauty kits..basically make-up. Apparently, Ruby from Max and Ruby calls them beauty kits.

What I Did Today said...

My kids are too little to ask, but I'd bet Ash would ask to watch Tinkerbell and Britt would ask for a mother who never put her down and a constant stream of food flowing into her mouth. :) Cute picture.