Saturday, January 8, 2011

Favorite Books of the Week

Here are a few of the books we have been reading this week:

Even Monsters Need Haircuts by Matthew McElligot is our absolute favorite book of the week.  My sister gave C this book (a signed copy dedicated to C with a cool monster drawing by the author) for Christmas and we have been reading it quite a bit since then.  Once a month, when the moon is full, the young son of a barber goes to work.  His regular customers come in the back door looking for rotting tonic, horn polish, and stink wax.  I think this book is so original, and we laugh every time we read it.  The illustrations are fantastic too.  If you have a monster loving child, this is a must read.  One more note:  this book is not scary at all, and the monsters are funny and cartoonish - nothing to be frightened of here!

My Pony by Susan Jeffers is about a little girl who wants a pony more than anything else in the world.  Her desire is so strong that she imagines herself flying through the sky on her very own pony.  This is a beautifully illustrated book with a sweet story that every child can relate to.

Apples to Oregon by Deborah Hopkinson and Nancy Carpenter is about a family moving from Iowa to Oregon, and the father cannot bear to leave his fruit trees behind.  This is a tall tale, but the author notes at the end that the first apple trees really did arrive in Oregon by wagon when a pioneer carried seven hundred plants and young fruit trees in his wagon.  We really enjoyed this book; it was a fun addition to our Oregon Trail books.  It's time to move on to Oregon in the present though; C and R have started groaning when I pull out a book with a prairie schooner on the cover!

Finally, C and I finished reading Stuart Little by E.B. White this week.   I am sure that you are familiar with this book, but I feel the need to leave a summary so, Stuart Little is a mouse who is born into a normal human family.  The book is about his adventures.  This is the third E.B. White book we have read (we also read Charlotte's Web and Trumpet of the Swan) and we have thoroughly enjoyed all three.

What are your children reading this week?  Head on over to What My Child is Reading and discover more great reads!


momandkiddo said...

I read Stuart Little to Kiddo when he was 4 because I read somewhere it was the perfect first read aloud chapter book. I completely disagree with that assessment, even though it is a wonderful book. I found the sentence structure a bit complicated for a 4 year old and I could see he was loosing focus as I read. I think I'll put it back in our stack now that he is 2 years older. Although our stack is so tall it might take another 2 years to get to it!

Annette W. said...

I have never read (or watched) Stuart Little, though I did know a bit about it.

MaryAnne said...

That monsters book sounds great! I think Emma would also enjoy "My Pony".

Ticia said...

Those first two would be big hits in our house.

My kids haven't gotten to the point of groaning about prairie schooners yet......

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

The monster book looks great - how cool to get a hand drawn illustration by the author!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I doubt that the first one would be a hit even now, but we read the middle two and liked both of them. We read Stuart Little early readers and thanks for reminding me to look for an original book.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you have some great book picks for the week. I'll have to look for the monsters book. My two little ones don't like getting their hair cut, do you think reading this book would help?

Kylie said...

Ih ave a little 'monster' here that won't get his hair cut, I wonder if that book would help him!

Jenny said...

I forgot about Stuart Little. We read some of The Trumpet and The Swan awhile back when Abby was sick on a vacation, but she never wanted to finish it.

Christy Killoran said...

Little Wonders Days & Kylie - It might help because it is a fun haircut book. It's worth trying!!!

Julie said...

Fun books this week. I read Stuart Little to C a few months ago, but he wasn't that into it. I just picked up the Mouse and the Motorcycle to read now. I'm hoping he enjoys that one.