I grew up on coffee milk (milk mixed with coffee syrup - in Rhode Island, the preferred syrup is Autocrat because it is made locally). Have you ever had it or heard of it even? I was surprised that no one knew what it was when I got to college. If you add ice cream and mix it up in the blender, you have what is called a "Cabinet". Unfortunately, coffee milk and cabinets are rare treats in our house because the first ingredient in coffee syrup is high fructose corn syrup and we try to avoid that in our house. Since we are learning about RI, however, I made an exception.

The quahog is the official state animal of RI and everyone eats stuffies. A stuffie is a stuffed quahog and the ingredients differ but they typically have bread, quahog, eggs, sausage, spices, and eggs. Here is a
Rachael Ray stuffie recipe.

What kind of unique foods do you enjoy in your home state?
I have heard of that coffee syrup! :)
gosh i can't think of anything food wise that is just mainly my state :( how sad is that. our offical insect is the Honeybee and We do have tons of local honey so i guess Honey! I love HONEY!
Hmmmm...... I'd guess the big deal food here is fajitas. But, that's not specific to Texas, it's just really yummy.
Honestly I can say I have never heard of any of the food you mentioned! Over in Seattle, we just drink coffee until we are all buzzed up!-who needs food? Just kidding! People here eat a lot of seafood. We love to go to Seattle's Pike Place market and do a little shopping for our dinner. (that's the market they always show in the movies)
Never heard of it!
spedies (speed ies) Marinated meat on a kabob...grilled! Yum. You can even buy the spedie marinade, though many make their own.
and real maple syrup...not "pancake syrup"...yuck!
Great post...
Um...wow I had a hard time with that post until I looked up what quahogs where. I was totally thinking some kind of rodent or something. Don't ask.
I really don't know of any "native" CA foods... Hmmm i'll have to think about it. DO you have a In & Out Burger? LOL OK not what you were looking for but that's all I can think of.
I have never heard of either of those!
The only thing I can think of for FL might be gator nuggets (looks like a huspuppy and is the tail of an alligator) and frog leg, (neither of which I eat).
We keep some autocrat stocked in our cupboard too! In case you ever find yourself wondering, don't try mixing with rice milk. Your post also reminded me of Dell's frozen lemonade. Mmm good.
Western NY food includes:
-white hots (this is a type of hot dog that is lighter in color and tastes a little more sausage like - the regular kind are called red hots)
-garbage plate (this is a combination of either hamburgers or hots piled on top of a plate of home fries and macaroni salad)
-salt potatoes (little white potatoes boiled in salt water)
-sponge candy (I don't even know how to describe this)
-REAL buffalo wings (of course).
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