This week, C and R have been learning about primary colors. We read three books that introduce primary colors and color mixing: Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh, Warthogs Paint by Pamela Duncan Edwards and Henry Cole, and Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni.
We own Mouse Paint and Little Blue and Little Yellow, but we borrowed Warthogs Paint from the library after I read about how much Emily at A Mommy's Adventures enjoyed the book. I definitely recommend all three books.
I cut white paper in half and gave C and R each three pieces. C painted one piece red, one piece yellow, and one piece blue and then painted over each of those with another color to create orange, green, and purple. If you ask R how to make orange, green, or purple, she will give you the correct answers but she was more interested in mixing all of the colors together than trying to create specific colors.
We also mixed blue, yellow, and red food coloring with water in glasses and used medicine droppers to transfer the colored water and create new colors. They could have done this all day long.
I am so happy to be linking this post to the Preschool Corner. Be sure to check out the other posts.

very cool we love color mixing it never gets old! I wish our library had little blue little yellow i hear it is great! i might have to Interlibrary loan it sometime!:)
what fun! I can tell R really enjoyed it! i read an idea once about using food coloring to make ice, then mix them in the bathtub as they melt...I want to try that one with my girls one day.
Mouse Paint is one of my all time favorite books.
I keep wanting to do that, and always run out of time. We had Mouse Paint during Story Time last Wed in the library - it's such a delightful story.
That looks way fun!
Seriously, wasn't joking. I've never been crafty just tapping to my inner creative self I guess. LOL
We need to do some color mixing this summer. :) It'd be fun to do it with ice cubes to and see what happens as they melt...oooo....!
Have I told you how much I love your blog design? Too cute! Thanks for being a part of Preschool Corner!
I love the paint all over your dd's hands! Truly exploring the art there. :-)
Nice to see you link up to the Preschool Corner. :-)
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