Friday, June 26, 2009

Counting to 100

C is getting really good at counting to 100. Occasionally, he will forget a number but more often than not he gets from 1 to 100 in perfect order. So, how did he learn to count to 100?

First, we count everything. If there is a pile of an item, it is counted. We count stairs as we go up and then again when we go down. Counting is a fun way to pass the time too, waiting in line or at the doctor's office.

Second, C enjoys mazes and dot to dots. These counting by ones mazes are fun for C and they help him practice counting to one hundred and work on number recognition at the same time.

Finally, who doesn't love m&ms? We have enjoyed counting with m&ms before, and this week we counted to one hundred with the yummy chocolate candies. We read The m&m's Count to One Hundred Book by Barbara Barbieri McGrath and used m&m's candies to count along with the book. The book explores the different ways you can count to one hundred: by ones, twos, fives, and tens. Currently, we are focusing on counting by ones so we did not spend any time on skip counting but it will be useful practice in the future. C thinks it is fun to count with m&m's, and for that reason I am happy to use this book.


Gidget Girl Reading said...

fun counting! i love the m&m books! they also have a goldfis and twizzlers book too! oh and cheerios!

my faves are reeses pieces though! or m&m dark chocolate

Annette W. said...

That is a really big accomplishment for a four year old!

Susana said...

I love this! We have some of the M & M books for adding and so forth we've used lately. Have to get this one too! Thanks for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those awesome references. I was just thinking recently about how to extend our counting beyond 20. I am going to look up this book in the library. Mazes are fun too.

Jolanthe said...

That books looks yummy! :) I might need to check into that one. Of course there are no guarantees the m&m's will survive that long...

Melissa A. said...

What a yummy way to practice counting! We have one with raisins, but my kids would MUCH rather have m&m's!