Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rainbow Burst Oobleck

I mixed up a batch of oobleck for the girls today using two cups of corn starch and one cup of water.  Somewhere (probably on Pinterest), I saw the idea to add the little bath tablets you can buy to make bath water different colors, and we gave it a try.

We don't use these little bath tablets, so the girls didn't know what to expect.  We were all surprised by the bubbling and fizzing!  It was a fun addition to regular oobleck!

We started with just a few tablets, but Kate ended up dumping the whole container into the oobleck!

Look at Kate's little hands getting right in there; this still surprises me!  When I first made the oobleck, she did cover her nose because she didn't like the smell, but ultimately she could not resist playing in it.

Believe it or not, this was super easy to clean up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness that looks like so much fun!