Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bath Paint

I love to mix up a batch of bath paint on a rainy day.  It's fun, easy, and the mess washes right down the drain with little to no effort.

The recipe I prefer is:
1/4 cup shampoo or body wash
1/4 cup corn starch
1-2 TBSP water

I mix that together and divide it between the six cups of my craft use only muffin pan.  Then I let Kate add about 3 drops of food coloring to each cup.

 Bath paint is so much fun, and it's an easy way to sneak in some learning.  I wrote letters, numbers, and shapes for Kate to trace over with her paint brush, and she never once thought it was anything other than fun.

When she was done painting, I let her dump all of the paint in the tub and I gave her a cloth to clean the walls.  She loved it.


Sherri said...

Bath paint is a favorite around here too! :) Love the bright colors!

Anonymous said...

So fun! I hadn't seen a recipe with soap... that sounds even better than shaving cream!