Thursday, September 1, 2011

Plastic Lid Sun Catchers

There is one week until school starts and just about one week until my due date.  I don't have much energy left to entertain the kids, but this was an easy craft.

I gave C and R clear plastic lids and Sharpie permanent markers.  They decorated the lids however they wanted, and then I used a screwdriver to make a little hole in the top of the lid.

We attached ribbons and hung the sun catchers on our sliding glass door.

No matter what I did, I could not get a clear picture of this sun catcher!

I think the sun catchers will look best if the entire lid is covered with different colors, but I like to let C and R create their own art, so they aren't exactly perfect sun catchers.  Either way, it was an easy craft and everyone was happy!


Jenny said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe you even had energy to get the Sharpies out!

Those are cool.

Kelly said...

Those look like a great craft! Good timing with the start of school and your due date.
Little Wonders' Days

Brimful Curiosities said...

Goodness, I'm sure you're ready for both the birth and the start of school! Never can go wrong with a little Sharpie art, plus the markers are affordable this time of year, too.

MaryAnne said...

What a fun idea! Hopefully this baby comes right around your due date!

Debbie said...

Oh wow with all our windows in our new house, Selena would love to make these!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I hope that your baby will stay put until the first day of school rolls over! I can't wait to hear about R's first day of school!

Ticia said...

Wow both baby and first day of school at the same time! That's gonna be a busy time for you.

I love this, and it's so cute!