Monday, May 14, 2012

Eight Months - Thirty-five Weeks

Yes, they still adore her!

K's third tooth (bottom to the right of the two middle teeth) came in last week.

K is enjoying Cheerios and puffs now, and she loves feeding herself.

She is playing with her toys for longer periods of time.  Here she is with her favorite toy:


Ticia said...

She's SOOOOOO cute! This is not helping my slight case of baby fever.

MaryAnne said...

LOVE the toy on her foot! So glad I have a baby on the way to enjoy :)

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big!! Love that top picture :-)

Jenny said...

She is so tall! Adorable too!

Debbie said...

She is growing up so fast. I miss this age.

Sherri said...

That shows what a great family you have...they are still loving their little sister!