Monday, March 12, 2012

Twenty-six Weeks - SIX MONTHS OLD TODAY!

Wow!  Six whole months, half of a year.  How is it that time goes by so fast?

K got her first tooth on March 7th (my birthday).  I have tried to get a better picture, but it is so tiny right now and she is always pushing her tongue out in front of it, so this is the best I could do.

She has moved on to the stage 2 baby foods.  I typically buy Earth's Best organic baby food, but as long as they are organic, I will buy other brands for food variety.  She has been happy with the new foods.  I started feeding her three meals a day over the weekend; she is still eating the same amount though.  I give her half of a serving for breakfast, half of a serving for lunch, and a full serving for dinner.

I also introduced K to water in a sippy cup over the weekend.  I don't think she actually drank anything, but I am not in a rush - she'll figure it out.


Jenny said...

Look at those little teeth! I remember giving Abby a sippy cup and she had no idea what to do with it. We'd put it in her mouth and she'd pull it out and laugh and laugh.

Sherri said...

6 months old!
Well, I will never have a 6 month of if he doesn't come out...and start aging! What is up with this baby????
I'm glad to know someone else goes late too! :)

Ticia said...

Her teeth are so cute. Man, I think I'm going to get baby fever. Oh well, my sister-in-law is due soon, so I'll steal her baby for a little bit.

Anonymous said...

wow 6 months already! Time is flying by fast!

MaryAnne said...

Happy late birthday!

Love that little tooth :)