Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Elf on the Shelf and our Gingerbread House

Our Elf on the Shelf, Cherry, arrived the morning after Thanksgiving.  We are so happy to have him back.  He makes us laugh and he is also very sweet.  It's nice to have him around for the Christmas season.

Cherry brought these placemats.

Marshmallow messages are the best.

Cherry enjoyed a game of Candy Land with Snow White and Tweety.
Someone has a sweet tooth!

We assembled our gingerbread house and left it overnight to set.  The next morning, we discovered that Cherry brought extra decorations to make the house really beautiful!
Collin and Reagan worked hard on that house, and did indeed make it beautiful!

I think Cherry hanging from the fan has made Collin and Reagan laugh more than any other spot  to date.
I can't wait to see what Cherry has in store for us next!


Sherri said...

Your elf is always active...I love to see what fun he brings to your house...looks like he's off to a great start! :)

Anonymous said...

What fun!! I love the gingerbread house!! Looks like they had fun working on it!

MaryAnne said...

How fun! I'm looking forward to reading about another year of Cherry's exploits :)

Ticia said...

Ya'll did a great job of decorating!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Your gingerbread house is gorgeous! You are SO good at making this time of the year magical for your children!