We had rainy, slushy weather all day today. It was perfect gingerbread cookie weather! I used a
Food Network recipe, and it is a keeper. The cookies came out perfect! I cut out gingerbread boys, girls, and ninjas.
I used my KitchenAid mixer to mix the dough. I love my mixer and use it every time I bake. That information is for Tom who thought he should get rid of the mixer because he didn't think I use it! Every. Time. I. Bake. Stay away from the mixer.
I read a tip to roll out the dough in between two layers of wax paper and then put the whole thing in the freezer for ten minutes. This worked so well; it was much easier to separate the cookies! Plus, I had a lot less mess than usual.
Kate has such a sweet tooth. She was begging for the dough while I made it and as I cut it (I didn't give her any), and then she screamed for the cookies as soon as they came out of the oven. She had one before bed, and she enjoyed every bite. |
Waiting for decoration! |
It's always nice when Tyler joins in the fun. He won't pass up an opportunity to eat cookies covered in icing. |
Last Christmas, Auntie Karen gave us Ninjabread Cookie Cutters. Collin LOVES them. |
I think Collin did an amazing job decorating his cookies to look like three of the Ninjago guys. |
I think Reagan said the girl on the left is Nya from Ninjago. I know that the one with the bars on it's belly is supposed to be a robber in jail! The gingerbread girl with the green hair is Mrs. Rayray, Reagan's Kindergarten teacher. I sent her this picture and she loved it; she said if she had a green wig she would run right over and knock on the door. |
These cookies are sooooooo good. I'm glad I took the time to make them today. It was fun to see the kids decorating them together. Little moments like this make me so happy.
I am so glad you found a good recipe, I am on high search for one..we are starting a gingerbread unit next week...for school! We will have some ninja gingerbread lovers as well! :)
Thanks for the tip on rolling the dough out..I'm going to try it!
Those look delicious!! I think we are going to make some cookies this afternoon!
Those cookies look amazing, and I love that Tyler joined in.
I've also heard freezing them helps the cookies keep their shape better......
Those Ninja cookies look amazing! Interestingly, Anna doesn't like icing and is not at all interested in making cookies - she requested, however, chocolate muffins "with absolutely no icing, please!"
Those look tasty!
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