Wednesday, October 12, 2011

One Month

K is one month old today.  She just gets sweeter every day.

She is making eye contact now and we have seen a little smile a few times.

A lot of her hair has fallen out, and lighter hair is growing in - it looks a little crazy right now!

The baby acne is worse, but still not even half as bad as R's baby acne.

K joined us on Saturday to watch C play soccer, and she slept in the stroller the entire time - I was thrilled!!!!!!

I haven't been able to find time for blogging; the days are too short and every minute seems to be accounted for.  I have lots of fun things planned (or just swimming around in my head - that's not really planning), so hopefully we will get to do them and I will post them soon!


Susana said...

She looks beautiful, Christy! She really looks like the sweetest thing ever and I wish I could hold her :-).

Enjoy every minute, you know she'll be way too big way too fast! Your blog will definitely be around and is so not important right now :-).

Hopefully I can have a little "K" myself in the next couple years. You are my inspiration for knowing it's never too late to 'start over' so to speak and make it work--thank you!

Kelly said...

I can't believe a month has flown by already. I'm amazed that you are able to blog at all. I was in a fog the first month after my kids were born...I may still be:)
Little Wonders' Days

MaryAnne said...

I love her big blue eyes! My girls are always born with brown hair, and then it falls out and blonde hair comes in. I'm glad she is liking her stroller more, that makes life so much easier!

Ticia said...

Isn't it amazing how much of a fog you can get in with a new baby?

I'd happily cuddle her for you while you did chores. Now if only we weren't half a continent apart from each other.

Anonymous said...

hehe I love when they go through that crazy hair phase! Happy 1 month K :-)

Jenny said...

She is adorable! What a sweet baby!

Her hair is cracking me up. So cute!

Debbie said...

She truly is adorable. I have missed your posts, and presence here online, but I knew you were busy with your sweet little girl, and that is the way it is suppose to be right now.

You and your family have been in my thoughts daily and prayers. You are such a good mommy!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

K is so very sweet. I am sure life is crazy, but those days will pass so quickly. Enjoy your *still so new* baby!

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

When Ticia is done cuddling her, pass her to me! I'd happily put off blogging for a few weeks of rocking a baby :)

momandkiddo said...

Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!

Sherri said...

I can't believe I am going to have one of these soon! =)