Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Fifty States Project

We have taken quite the break in our geography studies, so we spent some time reviewing the states we have done to get back in the groove of state studies.

I printed blank maps of the United States and had C and R color in the twenty states we have studied so far.  If they got stuck, I let them use our United States placemat to find states.

They also worked together to complete our foam puzzle of the United States.

The next state for our project is Oklahoma - stay tuned!


Ticia said...

I can't wait to see what you do for Oklahoma. I had a hard time when we first did that one. Now that we've restarted, we're back at North Carolina, and I'm again amused at the dearth of books.

Sherri said...

We have been heavy into the states lately too...after our large break?? If we could be neighbors we could have state parties!! :)

Becky said...

I'm getting so many ideas from you! Your children attend public school, don't they? I would like to supplement what they learn in school at home. I think it's terrific to have such a support base for education at home. My daughter is two. I can't wait until she gets older. So many women have told me to not speed up time, and to enjoy the present.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I am contemplating doing the state study next year. It's great to see R and C working so well together - they must be making quite a team :)

Jenny said...

I had totally forgotten about your state studies! They are always so fun.

Debbie said...

We've been on brake here too. I am not sure when we will pick it back up.

Susana said...

OH, I LOVED your state studies and am super excited to see you do them again!! I can't wait to see what you do for Oklahoma!