Monday, November 21, 2011

Ten Weeks

K is so social; she smiles and coos at everyone.  Last night, one of her coos came out as "Hi", we all loved it.

Over the weekend, she attended T's last football game of the season (more to come on that soon), lunch at a restaurant, and an event at C and R's school all in the same day.  She was so good, perfect really - she is such a good baby!!

K likes to look in the mirror now, and she seems to prefer being held upright so that she can look around.  She is also using her arms and legs a lot more - batting at toys and doing what we call "kick starting a motorcycle" with her legs.

Of all of my babies, she has the prettiest skin, the craziest hair, and she is the longest at this age.  Even though K is the longest, C and R both weighed more at two months; T weighed about an ounce less, but he was also almost a pound lighter at birth.

I have laryngitis and a sore throat today, so I am just hoping that K stays healthy.


MaryAnne said...

I hope you feel better soon - and that K stays healthy along with the rest of your family!

I think it is easy for fourth children to be easy babies - they have so many older siblings to look after and love them! Speaking from experience - I was fourth in my family and reportedly my mother's easiest baby =)

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

MaryAnne might be right - my 4th was the easiest going of all my babies, too - not sure what happened with numbers 5 and 6 :) I hope you recover quickly and that K and the rest of the family stay well!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Love these updates. K is a pretty little girl. I hope she stays healthy through the colds and flu season. Get better soon!

Ticia said...

Get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture!! I hope you feel better soon!

Sherri said...

I'm so sorry you don't feel well..tis the always seems right before Thanksgiving and Christmas...either I or my family get sick. so far we are hanging in there! I hope you feel better soon!

I am spoiled...I have had 5 good my 4th was a tough toddler...and she is till tough..but so loving it makes everything even out! :)

Jenny said...

I am praying K stays healthy! I hope you feel better soon too!

She sounds so sweet and how wonderful that she is a good baby!

Kelly said...

Such a sweety. I hope you feel better soon. It's never fun when mom is sick. My crew is finally on the mend.
Little Wonders' Days

Susana said...

I hope you are feeling better by now and K is still well. My two littlest ones were sick the last couple weeks, and now Hanna is.

K really does sound like a perfect baby. I know you are so glad she is and I bet that makes you want another too :-).

Love her 'Hi' coo.