Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!  In your honor, we made up a batch of oobleck.  Don't tell me you have never heard of oobleck!  This goo is something special.  It's so amazing that you just have to try it because I surely cannot do it justice with words and pictures.

There are many recipes for oobleck, but the one we used is:
  1. pour one cup of water into a container
  2. add a few drops of green food coloring to the water
  3. add two cups of corn starch and stir

You now have oobleck.  It feels like a solid when you try to pick it up, but it quickly becomes a liquid and drips through your fingers.  Experiment by dropping different objects into the oobleck, stirring it, picking it up, and dripping water on it. 

T, C, and R had so much fun playing with this while I read Bartholomew and  the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss.  In this book, the King of Didd wakes up one morning and decides he is bored with predictable sun, rain, fog and snow.  He wants something different and orders his magicians to get to work to make something unique fall from the sky.  They make oobleck!  The King learns to be careful what he wishes for when the oobleck causes problems in his kingdom.

If you want the scientific explanation, oobleck is a slimy polymer classified as a non-Newtonian fluid.  Non-Newtonian fluids can look and feel like both liquids and solids, but their flow only changes when you change the type of pressure you apply to its surface.  If you want more details, you can google those terms.

WARNING:  This is not for the faint of heart.  This stuff makes a mess.  My advice is to cover all surfaces with plastic tablecloths that you can just dispose of later.  I did not do this, and clean up was interesting.  The more water you add, the more resistant to clean up this stuff becomes.  Believe it or not, this stuff washes off of clothing without a problem.  Phew!  Also, whatever you do, DO NOT put this stuff down the drain or toilet.  If you do, you better call a plumber! 

It's worth the mess.  I enjoyed this myself.  It is so cool the way it changes in your hands.  So, relax a little bit, cover all of your surfaces, and have fun! 


Susana said...

I can't wait to do this!

It looks like y'all had lots of fun!!

LOVE the pictures and thanks so much for such a great idea!!

danita said...

i forgot about dr seuss day, but luckily, my kids didn't! my daughter requested green eggs and ham for breakfast! btw, on mythbusters they showed how you can walk across a giant pool of oobleck!

Annette W. said...

FYI-for next time and your readers-to dispose of it, let it dry out, then toss it in the garbage.


Ticia said...

Thanks for the warning on not putting it down the drain. I'd so do that and then have Jeff mad at me for backing up the pipes.

Phyllis said...

We have had lots of fun with Oobleck over the years too. What a nice way to celebrate Dr. Seuss day. Makes me want to whip up a batch...

Being us... said...

My son loves this stuff! I have posted about it many times


I love cheap and easy things for my kids to play with!!! Now I have a name for it!

Sherry said...

we love oobleck!!!

Gidget Girl Reading said...

looks like you guys had a blast and even T jioned in the fun! :)

you guys had a great celebration in honor of Dr Suess's birthday :)

I love the pictures and your so right it is soo messy but amazing easy to clean up :)

Miller Moments said...

Fun! It's been at least a year since we've made this. Great idea to tie it into Dr. Seuss.

Rebecca said...

We made oobleck and i posted about it awhile back too! I didnt know that was what it was called though, haha. It is such a fun texture. And yes, it does make a mess!

Sherri said...

Dr Seuss is the Best!
Love your slime!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

It's the second time I read about man-made oobleck, and I am itching to try it out. Not this week though - too many other things to do. It does sound extremely intriguing :)

The Mom I Want To Be said...

We love oobleck! I didn't know there was a Dr. Seuss book on the topic! In the summer we mix oobleck and sand to make a mixture similar to moonsand.

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

Oh, I have been meaning to try this for awhile now. Thanks for the reminder! It looks like so much fun! We're not afraid of mess in our household, but thanks for the warning. :-)

Mandy said...

neato! we did some dr. seuss puzzles and then worked on a reading game on the seussville website. :)

Jenny said...

We have never made this, but I've seen it before. It looks so fun and we'll have to try it soon!

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice said...

So I was looking thru ur page w Zorro here and he kept saying I want to do that...that...that... LOL

We've done this before but it was the BIG winner! We'll be doing it again...this time food coloring! ;)

Demarcus Family said...

I saved this for next year! Thank you!