Monday, June 28, 2010

Last Day of School

Today was C's last day of school.  I cannot believe that he is done with Kindergarten.  He has declared, however, that he has no interest in first grade and he is going to stay in Kindergarten forever.  I can't blame him really; his teacher is amazing, and he had so much fun in school this year.  I would love to stay in Kindergarten too!

We made rainbow jello over the weekend, and today, R and I brought the jello and some whipped cream in to C's class.  It was a great way to end the school year!

On another note, it was T's last day of school too.  He is going to be an eighth grader in the fall; that is just crazy.  I made a treat for him to share with classmates too.  He brought Mexican brownies in for the fiesta in his Spanish class.  If you have not tried Mexican brownies, you should, they are amazing!

So, summer has officially begun in our house and we are going to start working on that summer bucket list!


Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Congratulations on the end of the school year! Anna agrees with C - she struggles very much with transition to her new classroom. I wish they would keep the same teachers for more than one year.

Adriana said...

That is so wonderful that C loves his kindergarten experience so much! I just checked out those Mexican brownies and they look SO yummy. Definitely need to try those!

Ticia said...

They do look yummy.

That picture perfectly captures his look of indecision.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Kindergarten was my favorite too!

Laura said...

Welcome to summer! Hope you guys have a great one. My kids have been out for a month now and I need to think of new things to do...they are getting bored! LoL

Sherry said...

I'll have to remember thos emexican brownies for next year on Lu's siesta day, she is in a spanish program as well.

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

And I thought OUR school system got out late. Let the lazy days of summer begin!