Tuesday, September 8, 2009


After making Shrinky Dinks last week, we had to find another craft project from my youth - the suncatcher kits. I was happy to find a planet for C and a unicorn for R, and they seemed to enjoy the process.

You place the frame on an aluminum foil covered cookie sheet and sprinkle the plastic crystals where you want them. Once you are done, the cookie sheet goes in the oven for approximately twenty minutes. After it cools for a few minutes, you have a suncatcher!


danita said...

too cute! we've done some that we just color with sharpie pens! i think you are supposed to use some special paint, but sharpies work well and the catchers are only 59 cents at michael's!

Susana said...

I absolutely love these! Where on earth did you find them? Hanna used to do them when she was Joe's age. She still has this same unicorn that R made. I've been looking for them:-).


Morgan said...

cute! We did the exact same two last year. One problem came up over time, though- the plastic started to pop out of the metal frame. I didn't try it at the time, but I would think it could be reheated to melt it back together if that happens.

Christy Killoran said...

I bought these from Amazon.com. We did have to pay shipping though.

Cindy said...

These were one of my fav things to do when I was little. I will have to get some.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

They are very pretty. I saw something like this at Michael's, I think, but they are probably not as well-made.

Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog said...

So cool! I haven't made these in a really long time. They look so beautiful!

Jenny said...

I remember doing these as well. I'll have to find some!

Ticia said...

Super duper cute. I bet it was a smelly 20 minutes. That's what I remember about those, aside from the fun of making them. I'll have to try it out with mine.

Gidget Girl Reading said...

cool! we love doing those my oldest made a bunch for the gammos and me when she was 3! :)

I need to look for some more its been awhile since we've done these! :)