Friday, July 9, 2010

Puzzle Art

We went to the library for craft time yesterday.  The summer reading theme at our library this year is "Go Green" and the craft for this week was to create a picture on cardboard using old puzzle pieces. 

Each child drew or traced a picture onto their cardboard.  Then they glued puzzle pieces inside the shape until they were satisfied with the end result.  C and R both glued on two layers of puzzle pieces for a more dramatic effect.  I helped R, but C did his by himself; R tends to get bored with crafts that take more than a few minutes.  When they were done, they made two holes at the top and threaded some yarn to make a hanger. 

C made a shark and R made a butterfly.  We love to use puzzle pieces for crafts, and I think this is something fun for children of all ages. 


Michie said...

I love R's butterfly! Too cool. That's a pretty impressive library craft. Last one we did at our library was a paper bag puppet. :)

Gidget Girl Reading said...

LOVE it, they did a great job! wish that was our libraries theme.

I have been meaning to do that and haven't i need to i know they would love it.

danita said...

totally cute!

Deborah Stewart said...

That's a neat idea. Would be a great way to use all those stray puzzle pieces.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

This is so cool! I love how the crafts turned out. Did they just use school glue? For some reason a lot of crafts involving glue tends to fall apart so quickly in our house, and then Anna is frustrated.

Christy Killoran said...

@Raising a Happy Child: They used Elmer's glue - a LOT OF IT! The puzzle pieces are sticking really well - they hung them on the wall in their bedrooms and none of the pieces have fallen off.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

They turned out really nice! I knew I was saving all those incomplete puzzles for something :)

Amy said...

I love this idea, and they turned out so well. I love crafts that reuse items, and we have a ton of orphan puzzle pieces!!