Wednesday, March 9, 2011

C's Totem Pole Tale

I almost forgot to post C's totem pole tale.  C and R each made their own totem pole as part of our Alaskan state study.  C wanted to write his own story about the animals that make up his totem pole.  Here it is:

A grizzly bear is sleeping in his den.  The wolf is eating snow.  The frog is playing with his friends on the lily pads.  The crab sees the frog playing, and he wants to play.  A raven is fishing for fish.


Sherri said...

That is an awesome pole...he is an artist!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

C can write his own stories and illustrate them too :)

Ticia said...

I love his story, it's kind of like my boys stories, everything as he thinks of the idea.

MaryAnne said...

I love the totem pole and the story!